

A map of the locations of ethylene oxide-emitting facilities in Los Angeles, California.

California has 15 commercial sterilizers, including nine in metropolitan Los Angeles. 4人以上.8 million Californians (roughly 12 percent of the state population) live within five miles of at least one of these facilities (US Census Bureau 2020). Los Angeles 和 Temecula are hotspots, with two facilities each. The Temecula facilities are less than two miles from each other.

The sterilizers in the Los Angeles hotspot—Sterigenics合作伙伴医疗产品—are in the most densely populated area among all facilities included in the UCS analysis. Within five miles of these two facilities, the proportion of people of color is 93 to 96 percent (the county average is 74 percent); the proportion of people with low income is also greater than the county average. The proportion of people with limited English language proficiency in the community surrounding the Sterigenics facility is 22 percent, 几乎是县平均水平的两倍.

In the Bay area hotspot in San Jose, 耳健康美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心 都在10英里以内吗. More than half a million people live within five miles of the 耳健康 facility; nearly 80 percent of them are people of color (nearly 10 percent greater than the county average). The proportions of people with low income 和 people with limited English language proficiency are also greater than the county average. This is especially striking given the area's median household income is greater than $120,000(美国人口普查局2020). While the UCS analysis found no stark sociodemographic disparities in the communities surrounding the 美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心, the facility has been in noncompliance with the Clean Air Act four of the last 12 quarters 和 has faced two informal 和 one formal enforcement action with penalties over the last five years.